Rony Vernet Amazon Expedition Report

Ross Coulthart
Article Published: 7/30/2024, 11:32:54 AM

Standing at an isolated beach
Isolated beach I slept at before continuing the boat trip to the village

During June 2024, deep in the Amazon jungle in the far north Acre province of Brazil, Rony Vernet, an engineer, physicist and UAP researcher, recorded and observed extraordinary anomalous phenomena that has long been reported there by the indigenous Yawanawa people.

The NHIR Insitute is proud to have Rony associated with us as a member of our UAP research team. His exciting Amazon research expedition, which includes the installation of a multi-sensor ground station and camera platform based permanently on location, feeding data back to Rony’s home base in Rio De Janeiro, is one of the first expedition projects undertaken by the NHIR Institute. This article details Rony’s ground-breaking scientific verification, both on camera and in person, of apparently intelligent multi-coloured UAP orbs engaging with and apparently observing him and local Yananawa tribespeople.

(Please note that this report on Rony’s work is preliminary only and that Rony plans considerable further research and analysis of ongoing received data, as well as further expeditions. He will be publishing a paper on his research, and he hopes for it to be published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal).

Rony Vernet (Twitter: @RonyVernet) is a Brazil based electronics and computer engineer working towards his Masters of Science in Physics. He’s also a UAP researcher and founder of the organisation, a group of Brazilian researchers working to investigate UAP cases in Brazil. From late June through to the first week of July, Rony was on an expedition in a remote part of the Amazon, researching reported UAP phenomena with the Yawanawa indigenous tribe in the Acre province.

This region of the Amazon has long been the focus of reported anomalous phenomena, including UAPs, apparent craft and glowing orbs, witnessed for years by locals in the Peruvian Amazon jungle from Pucallpa to Iquitos, to the north of where Rony is conducting his research. These are the communities which have reported frightening accounts of so-called Chupa-Chupa’s - the ‘sucker-suckers’ - and the Pelacaras - the ‘face-peelers’, encounters from which indigenous locals have reported being injured by blue beams of light and some cases, where victims were reportedly killed.

Group of people standing by a river
With the family of the indigenous leader.

Rony’s on the ground field study did not witness the distressing and apparently sometimes hostile phenomena seen most recently by Peruvian villagers, and over many years by other Brazilian communities, but what he has captured on video and possibly also on still to be analysed multi-sensor data is extraordinary scientific evidence verifying and cross-corroborating what multiple Brazilian indigenous villagers have witnessed since May, phenomena Rony also personally verified during his visit.

“I saw a lot of things I have never witnessed before in my life,” Rony says. “I believe whatever it is, it is intelligent because it is going in and out from the same place in the jungle, from within the trees. It was reacting to stimulus, even when I am thinking and pointing, as if telepathically. When I put up the drone it was not appearing, apparently avoiding being seen too closely. I believe something intelligent was manipulating the objects that showed what I believe is poltergeist-like activity.”

To reach the community where Rony has now installed his observation ground-station in northern Brazil, Rony had to travel for 24 hours from Rio De Janeiro, including an eight-hour boat ride up the Amazon river to a very remote indigenous tribe, the Yananawa. He carried with him 50 kilograms of cameras and sensor equipment: five cameras (including remotely operated sky cameras, high-resolution and motorised cameras), two antennas (including a directional antennae) able to transmit and receive up to GHZ frequencies, multiple sensors (including thermal, cosmic ray sensor, ionising radiation, infrasound, microwave and RF sensors), an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, temperature, air pressure and humidity devices and a GPS. On his first day on location, Rony spent 12 hours connecting his equipment up to a Starlink satellite, enabling him to remotely monitor and move cameras and to receive his data back in Rio De Janeiro.

Man standing in a village carrying monitoring equipment
Inside the village bringing UAP monitoring equipment to install

From that first night, as he was still setting up his equipment in a quiet part of the jungle about 20 minutes walk from the main community, Rony and two indigenous boys assisting him began to witness what he describes as poltergeist-like anomalous phenomena. The jungle went unusually quiet, then Rony felt an inexplicable feeling of fear and dread and extreme cold. He and the local boys began hearing what sounded like furniture being dragged across the metal or wooden floor of a building. On other occasions, they heard what sounded like people walking very close by in the forest. As he was in a dense area of jungle, empty of building and human habitation, Rony could not find any explanation for these unusual noises or sensations.

“There is no way there could be another sound like that in the jungle. I felt a very strange feeling of fear in my heart,” Rony said.

Night time observation post
UAP observation night with indigenous boys

On the second day, Rony explored the (remote) possibility that an abandoned house much closer to the village might explain the phenomena he and the boys heard. While inside the house with two local youths he again experienced anomalous and frightening sensations. At this stage he witnessed no physical phenomena but again, feelings of extreme fear and cold.

“I first felt something we had never felt before. It was a feeling of extreme fear. Extreme cold. When you start to enter more and more deeper into this little house you start to feel it more strongly.”

Rony is the first to acknowledge that exactly why he had these apprehensions of fear is a mystery to him and that is why he is keen to continue to investigate the anomalies he has recorded in this village area. The villagers are also keen for it to be investigated and explained. That same day he interviewed around 20 indigenous people, who all described frequent close encounters with glowing yellow or orange/golden spheres that appeared as apparent balls of fire, hovering just above the ground and above their homes in the village. All felt that whatever it was, the phenomenae were intelligently observing them.

“When they think to point at it, it’s gone,” Rony recounted. “Most of them said to me it’s like it was able to perceive what they were thinking.”

It was later in the evening on the second day that Vernet began witnessing apparently physical and luminous orb phenomena himself. He witnessed a distant object that was blinking a very strong luminous yellow and orange colour hovering just above the tree line of the adjacent jungle. It appeared to be moving around the village at tree level. He photographed this image on a still camera.

“It was like a sphere, an orange sphere, the light was blinking a strong yellow. Orange and yellow. It was very low and going inside the forest. Before these observations I had asked the people where these objects were seen the most and where they were coming and going from. All of them were certain it was a specific direction – to the west. I started to investigate that direction. These objects I filmed went in exactly that direction where people were telling me the lights were going in and out of the forest.”

On the third night, Rony was finally able to see up close the UAPs the locals were witnessing. As he was installing a camera on the roof of a building in the village, he was unaware that a UAP, previously hovering at some distance from the village, had moved directly behind him. A local family watching him from the ground warned him to look around.

“We were looking to camera, not paying attention to the environment behind us,” Rony recalls. “There was a family below and this night the woman said, ‘Hey there is a big light behind you’. We looked behind and there was a big one to two metre sphere with a red to orange colour, less than one metre from the ground, right behind us, literally maximum five metres from us. Very, very close. No noise. Zero noise. Very luminous but there was something strange, that you could stare at the light without hurting your eyes.”

As he was still setting up his camera, Rony was not able to move quickly enough to photograph the sphere up close. As soon as began looking closely at it, the object immediately started to fly away.

“It was as if it was thinking, Okay, I was observing but I don’t want you to observe me. It fly away very very fast,” he speculates.

Rony ran to the house where he kept his drone and had it into the air within seconds. He chased the object with his drone to a point where it was hovering stationary at a very low level. He activated his camera on the drone, watching the object with his eyes, excited that he was apparently recording extraordinary close-up vision of a UAP. The UAP he witnessed was approximately one metre wide and he could see with his own eyes how the green light on the drone was hovering directly in front of the reddish-coloured orb. This proximity of the drone to the object was also confirmed by the local boys watching the sphere. Yet, when he started the drone camera, bafflingly, he could not see the object on the drone camera screen that he and the locals could see with their own eyes.

“It was not possible to see this object on the drone. There was no way my drone camera was not seeing this object because I was seeing this object with my own eyes,” an incredulous Rony describes. He cannot explain how the camera on the drone was not able to see what he and the locals were seeing with their own eyes.

On the following night, Rony was ready for the UAPs to return. Locals told him that the objects most frequently visited and observed the village between the hours of 6:30-8pm at night. Sure enough, at 6:30pm the first spherical orange-coloured object appeared, very close, slow and low, above the village. Just as Rony pointed his camera towards the object, it descended into the jungle out of sight. Whatever these objects are, they seemingly did not want Rony to be able to record them on video up close.

Half an hour later, Rony witnessed what he says was the most bizarre phenomenon he saw during his visit – an apparent aurora-style white, dense, luminous fog that formed what he describes as a three-dimensional shape resembling a giant pointing human hand.

“It was a hand, pointing,” Rony says. “I ran to the equipment and put on the camera. We didn’t see in the equipment what I was seeing with my eyes. But you could see a form like a hand with your own eyes. You could see the contours of a hand.”

This fog then started to move towards the forest. Rony asked the two indigenous boys to observe what they saw. One boy described how he saw the phenomenon pointing towards the forest. The location was the same point where both the locals and Rony Vernet had witnessed the UAPs emerging from and entering the forest each night.

What Rony Vernet describes happened now is extraordinary and, of course, it is impossible to verify – although the event was experienced and witnessed by Rony and two indigenous locals, all giving clear and consistent accounts of what they saw. As Rony watched the fog from a distance, one of the boys grabbed a pair of binoculars to see greater detail. As he put the binoculars to his eye, the boy was reportedly paralysed on the spot.

“He screamed Rony I am paralysed. I can only talk. I cannot move my legs, my body. This indigenous boy was paralysed. I said if there’s something more than paralysis, please tell me and I will get you. He called the other boy to take the binoculars from his hand. He was like a statue without the binoculars. After some seconds he started to recover movement. He was very traumatised and very afraid. This affected him very badly,” Rony reports.

On the same night, shortly after this frightening luminous fog incident, Rony captured what he believes is the best imagery of the phenomenon he witnessed on his expedition. He was able to track an orange spherical UAP as it rose from the same point in the forest and moved very slowly. As he watched, its bright orange luminous light apparently exploded and flashed. In place of the orange light, he saw smaller yellow to white coloured lights. Perhaps most interestingly of all, he and the locals were able to see there appeared to be two spheres or discs behind what had previously appeared as a single large spherical object. They appeared to be two distinct objects, moving together. As they all watched on the process started again, as the sphere exploded back into view, this time again showing luminous orange light. Vernet estimates the object’s size was approximately two metres across.

As confronting as his conclusions may be, especially for a serious scientist like himself, Rony was left with the strong impression that this UAP, whatever it was, was able to psychically read his mind.

“This is what I was thinking all the time during the trip. It knew what we were thinking and planning. It was thinking, ‘I will show you when I want and show you the form that I want you to see. No getting closer to get more detail’,” he recalls.

It is also highly significant that Rony was able to detect a signal on his RF receivers at the time the phenomena presented itself, broadcasting a clear signal in the 1.6GHz range. This is especially important because the 1.6GHz range has previously been associated with recorded anomalous phenomena, most notably at the Utah Skinwalker Ranch, featured in a current TV program and previously the focus of a secret study by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency.

Rony also witnessed how while the phenomenon showed itself, his cell phone became inoperable, and his flashlight battery was completely drained. This happened mainly when the bright fog was seen.

All Rony’s research in the indigenous community was done with the express permission and oversight of the elders in the community. They have supported his research and want it verified and scientifically investigated.

“Right now, the village is trying contact, preparing the community because [the tribal elder] thinks they will have a contact very soon,” Rony told NHIRI. He said the indigenous people believe the UAPs are beings from the forest. They told Vernet that the direction these lights were coming from was where a sacred tree is located, known as the Samauma.

“This is a sacred tree of the Amazon, known to be where things come in and out. It’s exactly where the phenomena is coming in and out of the forest. They believe it's a portal – these things coming from spiritual realm to our reality,” Rony said.

Man standing in front of sacred tree
In front of the sacred Samauma tree where UAP may be found

Local elders forbade Rony to visit the tree at night because they fear it might be dangerous; children are forbidden to ever visit the location; it was safe to visit by day. Locals told him that anyone visiting the tree at night needs to prepare their spirit to go there and that anyone with a weak spirit would have problems.

Rony wants to return to the village to continue his research very soon because he witnessed an extraordinary amount of anomalous phenomena during his short visit there in June and early July. There was one night in particular where he had installed equipment on houses in the village and he was able to catch vision of a UAP light that descended to the ground and moved through the village. He believes this was the most important evidence he gathered during his visit to the community. He heard the humming sound of what turned out to be an approaching UAP. It somehow projected another UAP near the ground through a ‘rectangular luminous window’. All of the normal animal and natural jungle insect noise suddenly quietened as this light moved through the village.

Some of this he was able to record on another distant camera. What intrigued him most of all was that hovering above this object out of the sight of the camera was another object that appeared to be somehow projecting this UAP on the ground. To his frustration, it was somehow able to turn off the closest camera he had installed that would have been able to see the phenomena more closely.

“It was crazy. It was like a vehicle. The camera was pointed in that direction. That camera was deactivated. The phenomena wanted to be seen but not very close. It’s a contact event. Escalating, as if it’s a preparation for us to not be shocked. It seems like the phenomena is trying to help us adapt to more and more information,” Rony speculated.

NHIRI plans to continue to support Rony Vernet’s groundbreaking field investigations in Brazil. He emphasises that it is too early yet to reach any definitive conclusion about what these UAP are but what is most important is that he be able to continue collecting empirical scientific data to verify and corroborate what he and the local indigenous people witnessed. For privacy reasons, the exact location of the village remains confidential.

More on the history of this phenomenon

Rony’s research was prompted by a long history of unexplained UAP incidents reported since at least the mid 1970s. In 1977 there were reported UAP incidents in Brazil’s Pará and Maranhão states. There were multiple reports from several of the province’s coastal cities. Hundreds of people reported being hit by light beams emitted from UAP, especially around the city of Colares. The Brazilian Air Force conducted the so-called Operation Saucer (Operação Prato) investigation and - officially - no unusual phenomena was found. Locals hit by the dangerous light beams dubbed them the ‘Chupa Chupa’ (literally, sucker-sucker). When a public panic ensued, the Mayor of the province sought help from the Brazilian Air Force. Ufologist Jacques Vallee has reported that a number of individuals were reportedly killed as a result of the light beams and the injuries suffered by local were consistent with microwave burns.

In 2013, several unidentified aerial phenomena began to be observed flying over the Apiwtxa Village, Kampa do Amônia Indigenous Tribe, in the state of Acre, on Brazil’s northern border with Peru. On July 24, 2014 one of these UAPs reportedly descended into the village and fired light beams at the indigenous people. This event prompted a request for help from the indigenous villagers to the National Indigenous Foundation (FUNAI), which in turn contacted the Federal Police and the Armed Forces so that they could help solve the problem. An investigation was then opened by the Federal Police, with these incidents happening frequently and extending the events until the end of 2014.

In 2015 an investigation was also opened by the Federal Public Ministry due to a close encounter of the researcher and anthropologist Carolina Comandulli with one of these phenomena. Also in 2015, the incidents stopped in the Apiwtxa village, but started again in 2016, this time in the Kampa and Isolados do Envira indigenous tribe, when a light phenomenon descended and was fired at by a local armed with a shotgun. He then received a beam of light and had to be hospitalized.

Rony Vernet’s first expedition into the area and subsequent investigation into the phenomena culminated in the release of more than 120 pages of official documents by the Brazilian government and more than 20 minutes of videos, including video testimony recorded by the military with the affected indigenous people. There was also UAP footage filmed by Paula Colares, who was doing her doctoral research in anthropology in the tribe.

More detail here from Rony’s website:

More recently, in 2023, again almost all of the cities along the Peruvian Amazon were affected by sightings of UAPs and alleged flying humanoids. Dozens of people again reported being hit by light beams emitted by UAP. In May 2024, UAP were seen descending near the ground at villages from the indigenous Yawanawa people of Acre State – at the village Rony Vernet most recently visited. Witnesses reported seeing one smaller multi-coloured UAP leading a bigger white coloured UAP that sometimes appeared orange in colour,

The Brazilian Air Force’s Operation Saucer investigation remains dogged by controversy to this day because of the strange circumstances of the death of the officer in charge of the Saucer investigation, Captain Uyrangê Bolivar Shares Nogueira de Hollanda Lima. Officially, the Operation Saucer investigation found no evidence of anomalous phenomena. But 20 years on from his Operation Saucer investigations for the Brazilian Air Force, the retired Captain Hollanda gave an extraordinary media interview where he admitted his men were, in reality, terrified by what they had uncovered.

He said his team gathered eyewitness statements in which residents reported waking up to beings wearing protective clothing, shooting coloured light beams at their heads. Police officers reported seeing strange lights emerging from and re-entering the ocean. Three months after giving the interview in 1997, Captain Hollanda was found dead in his home, after he had seemingly hung himself by the belt of his bathrobe.

In his interview, Hollanda admitted he had initially been very sceptical about the locals’ reports of anomalous objects and entities. But he said, after few weeks of investigations, he had no more doubts about the authenticity of their claims. He told his interviewers that a confidential version of his report, some 200 pages in length, revealed there were indeed anomalous UAP phenomena occurring in the area, “extraterrestrial ships and probes, operating in the Amazon” with an apparent specific mission in the area.

Hollanda disclosed how many victims of the Chupa-Chupa, especially women, had strange marks on their left breast, two needle holes around a brown stain that looked like an iodine burn. He said victims clearly had their blood sucked, in small quantities, by the lights. Everything was verified by medical doctors and Hollanda admitted his efforts to debunk these sightings as anomalous had failed.

Hollanda also admitted that right at the beginning of the operation in November 1977 he saw a UAP in the form of a very bright light approach he and his men from the north, stop and then circle them before leaving. “The complete proof that I could no longer contest,” he admitted. Photographing the objects proved difficult because they were of a different wavelength of light, he said, but when they used a radioscope to observe the lights they saw a cylinder-shaped ‘probe’ behind it. He described how the UAPs operated intelligently, on occasion seeking out he and his men as they investigated. On another occasion, he and his men witnessed a huge black disc hovering 150 metres above them.

Source for Hollanda interview